I went for a walk outside today to see if there were any signs of spring.

At first glance everything seems pretty much the same. Right now we are in that in between state where it does not look like spring or winter. Everything has a grayish, brown aspect, and there is mud everywhere.

But upon closer inspection there are little signs of spring popping up here and there. There aren't many things are growing in the flower beds yet. The sedum is coming up (pictured above) as well as the iris plants. And weeds.

I found a happy spot of moss out in the back lawn. Moss has such a way of looking so bright and cheerful on a gloomy day.

I tried to photograph the robins, but they were not too keen on having their pictures taken. They proved rather difficult and all I ended up with was blurry smudges that could be interpreted as almost any sort of bird to someone with a good imagination! I did get a nice shot of these bugs. I have no idea what they are, or what they were doing. They appeared to be chewing on the bark. Perhaps eating sap? I don't know.

It is nice to know that in just a month everything will be in bloom and there will be a riot of color where ever one looks. I am looking forward to the return of warm weather, and the chance to dig into the dirt again. We won't be planting the main part of our garden for 2 months yet, but there is lots to accomplish in preparation. We probably will be planting sugar snap peas soon as they like cool weather best.
Well, I'm off to eat lunch before getting back to my day. I have some knitting I'd like to accomplish before this evening. Our church is having a ladies get-together tonight where we will be knitting, quilting, scrap booking etc. I'm the one assigned to teach knitting so I need to gather my things together and make a bit of a plan this afternoon.
Cheerio & have a lovely day my dear friends!!!