Hello Everyone! I know it's been a long time. I am starting to get very anxious to show you some pictures of all that I have been working on this last month or so! I didn't realize how much I used my camera until it broke. Just this morning I had two gorgeous scenes I would have loved to snap photos of. The first one I was standing at the kitchen sink. It was just getting light and down in the field there was a think blanket of mist shifting about. It hung in all the little dips and hollow and was very beautiful, in a mysterious sort of way. :)
The second photo opportunity was as I was driving to pick up my Grandma for an appointment. I drove over the river and there was a lovely view of a clump of trees down the river that were at the peak in color change. The sun was rising and it came through the trees and shone on a slice of the river and that clump of trees. Mist was gently rising off the river and it was breath-takingly beautiful!
But on to other things....
Yesterday I set the twist on some yarn I spun up this past week. It is a brown/orange colorway, merino wool. It spun up beautifully. I think I kept it a pretty consistent worsted weight, it's about 225.5 yards. I don't know what I am going to make with it yet, although I have a few ideas. :)

I thought I'd share some more old pictures with you. This is a bouquet that we picked this summer. They are so pretty! That is one thing I will miss this winter, fresh flowers from the garden.
Well, I have a lot of other project's going on. Many of them are for Christmas gifts though, so I will not talk about them right now. :)
I also have another knitting design on the drawing board. It will be a free pattern as well, so stay posted sometime in the next month or so. I won't post it until I can put up some pictures with it.
Time is limited today, I need to run for now. You all take care, and have a blessed week!
I'll be back with you soon, Lord willing.