A couple weeks ago we went on a family outing to a HUGE antique mall. I could have spent the entire day in there taking pictures! But it's a good thing I didn't, this post already has a lot of photos.

Bible from the 1800's. It was signed and dated in the front.

Lovely quilt w/a bit of hand stitching.

This apothecary chest was
amazing! But the price was a
little(lot) too steep for me.

Check out those handles!

More hand quilting!

As you can see, multiple levels.

Silver tea spoons.

What a great basket for skeins of yarn!

A cute little outfit!

Isn't this bear so sweet? He looks worn and well loved. I wanted to buy him. But didn't.



I found one booth with all these great crates and boxes. Very neat for storage!

More of the same.
Fishing lures.
And all kinds of Fiestaware!

I bought one of these cups, they are vintage pink. And in another booth I found a pink saucer, not vintage, but close enough.

All in all it was a lovely day. :)
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