I have rather a limited time to blog, but I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to update everyone on whats going on. Seeing as it has been awhile since I blogged some of these photos are a couple weeks old. But no matter. They are still Interesting.

These six batik fabrics I picked up at my LYS. The plan is to use them for lining some small felted clutches I have been knitting for an upcoming fiber fest. The festival is this weekend and I have way too much to do. I am trying not to think about it at the moment, it will stress me out.

Amy Butler wall hanging that I sewed last week. The pieces were already cut out so it was just a matter of laying them out in a pleasing manner and then sewing them up.

I had some angora that I had combed last fall. I have been adding it here and there as I spin. It is going to end up being a thick n' thin yarn. Sometime the angora doesn't want to draft like it should. I plan on putting this yarn up for sale at my festival booth.
This week I am going to be doing dyeing. I have almost three pounds of bare Corriedale roving and I cannot wait to see how it all turns out!
I am using the Greener Shades dyes. I'll post pictures later (after the festival) and let you know how it all turned out.
My goodness, you are one busy gal. Love all your projects. I wish I could quilt, that's next on my list of things to try.