There were fresh eggs out at Aunt Sarah's. I could not resist taking a picture. This is several days worth of eggs. The lighter colored ones are really blue, although they don't look it.
We are hoping to get chickens come spring. We've been doing a great deal of research on the different breeds. I am looking forward to having chickens. Keeping chickens is not too difficult, not time consuming and you end up with a healthy and wholesome food. Plus you know right where your eggs came from and what the chickens were fed.

Grandma's 8oth birthday party was lovely. We are blessed to have so many years with this sweet and wonderful lady. Grandma is truly a gem. :)

Since I have been sick all the last week ( I still am as a matter of fact), I have not had much knitting done. I have several projects in the works. And many more that I want to start! But we'll see what happens this week. If only I could shake this nasty bug that has settled in my throat. I have not spun in awhile either. I have some beautiful silk roving that I am spinning. It was a gift for Christmas from my parents and is a dream to work with.

Since I have been sick all the last week ( I still am as a matter of fact), I have not had much knitting done. I have several projects in the works. And many more that I want to start! But we'll see what happens this week. If only I could shake this nasty bug that has settled in my throat. I have not spun in awhile either. I have some beautiful silk roving that I am spinning. It was a gift for Christmas from my parents and is a dream to work with.
So long for now!