With the way my throat has been the last few months I have not been doing a lot of cooking/baking. But I got a book out of the library about panini sandwiches so I thought I'd give them a try. I have always liked them, but this book has all sorts of interesting and unusual types of panini.
I made them for supper for the family on Saturday. They all thought they were pretty delicious.
The sandwiches were made with two different types of ham, muenster cheese, mustard, and parsley fresh from the garden.

I also made a cheese sauce to go on top of the sandwich.

The finished results looked nice, and I think they were a big hit.

The whole process seemed quite time consuming to me. But I think if an assembly line system was used they would go a lot faster. It might have taken longer because it was a new recipe and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. Plus I changed the ingredients slightly, so I wasn't following the recipe exactly. We didn't have a sandwich grill, so I used the lined side of our big electric griddle. It worked great!